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Travel 2020: Your answers VS our research, 8 Simple questions.

There is nothing we love more than staying connected with you guys out there! Being part of a conversation around the one topic that united us all…Travel and Adventures!

Coronavirus came to rock our world and change everything for us. Yes, our traveling lifestyle has suffered tremendously, and in the term “lifestyle” we include everyone; Those who travel full time, those who travel a lot and those who travel only once a year… Why? Because no matter how much you travel, we ALL love it the same!

During our quarantine, we have reached out to you with a lot of Instagram polls and today we want to share some of the results and compare them to experts advice.

Question #1 – Are you planning to travel at all this year 2020?

58% said Yes and 42% said No.

YES! You should travel this year, experts say it's good for your mental health. Travel is really a state of mind, you don’t have to go around the world for it to be considered a trip. This is the year to travel around your home state or maybe even within your city. Stay at the trendy new hotel in town, visit that beautiful park you have never been to, drive an RV to see the sunset and spend time with your kids being outside.

Question #2 – Would you go back to New York City this year?

26% said Yes and 74% said No.

TOO SOON TO TELL! New York City as we knew it before the pandemic was the perfect petri dish for the virus to spread. Unfortunately, the city offers minimal opportunity for social distancing in most tourist areas. This June the re-opening starts so we have yet to see what it would look like. For now, there is a coalition of famous figures working with the tourism department to get the city back into the travelers favorite list.

Question #3 – Do you rather travel near (Driving) or far (flight)?

75% Said near and 25% Said far.

YES! Near… road trips are the thing this summer! We all want to go with the trends, so rent that RV, drive it to a spectacular destination and take amazing pictures. Experts assure that gas prices will remain low for most of the summer, perfect for this family adventure you have been putting off. Also get in a rental car (low infection risk) and drive to a beautiful destination. Where to stay? Next question please…

Question # 4 – Airbnb or Hotel?

47% said Airbnb and 53% said hotel.

NO! Hotels are not the best option right now. Experts recommend Airbnb (Or similar service), preferably independent properties away from other families. Staying at your own home away from home guarantees no front desk check ins, no interaction with hotel staff, less elevator exposure and less crowds around you. It’s time to book that house by the beach with a pool, that boat house at the marina, or that cottage in the middle of the mountains.

Question #5 – Do you think flying is OK with the proper mask and gloves?

38% said Yes and 62% said No.

CORRECT! Flying is not a safe option right now. Most experts still consider flying a high-risk activity. Airports and airlines are doing everything in their power to increase traveler’s confidence but being enclose on a metal tube for a long period of time is still not a good idea. Most airlines are NOT keeping the middle seat empty and there are known cases of people that have gotten the virus through the eyes while flying. Yes… not many, but you don’t want to be part of the statistics.

Question #6 – Would you take an intercontinental flight, 12 hours +?

25% said Yes and 75% said No.

ALSO CORRECT! NO intercontinental flights for now, unless it’s a family emergency. Aside from everything mentioned above, many countries are not allowing passengers from the United States. Americans are now considered high risk travelers because… let’s face it “We are the most infected country in the world”.

Question #7 – Would you visit theme parks?

21% said Yes and 79% said No.

IF YOU WANT TO VISIT THE TIME IS NOW! “Parks experts” are all over social media talking about how safe they felt now that they reopened, how the social distancing rules are constantly policed and how EMPTY the parks are. Of course, once international flights resume, the crowd size will increase and with it, the chances of getting the virus. It is easier to police a small crowd than a big crowd.

Question #8 – Do you feel like you are missing out if you don’t travel this year?

53% Said Yes and 47% said No.

NO, NO AND NO! You are NOT missing out! Traveling can wait, life cannot… and by it we mean, you can not forget to live your life! For us the concept of “Traveling at Home” has brought many adventures without setting foot outside. You make your own journey, your own adventure. Document every day, because years from now you will look back on 2020 and talk about what you did during the pandemic. You better have a dam good story to tell.

Thanks for reading our Blog and keeping in touch.

Stay connected, Subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us @Ric.Saj_ adventures

Love always,


Resources: We have read over 50+ articles to come up with this blog post: CNN, NBC, Washington Post, New York Post, Theme park insider, New York Times, USA Today and many more. We have also watched many experts’ interviews, read their blogs and university research papers. We are constantly monitoring the travel situation for our own interest and to design our future adventures.

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