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How the dream of renting a private island became a reality.

If we told you that there is a place in the world where there are no coronavirus cases would you believe us? A place where social distancing and face masks are not needed! Since the pandemic began, we asked ourselves… How can we travel in a way that would not jeopardize our family’s health?

The CEO of Airbnb said it best, "travel as we knew it is over". We think that everything has changed and it will never be the same again. So, we knew that for us to live the amazing adventures we seek, we had to get creative.

Ric spent hours and days searching online. The top contender was a tree house perched on a mountain top in Costa Rica, but that would require air travel. Every time we turned on the TV every expert recommended against getting on an airplane. We quickly scratched the idea off the table.

Then we did something we had never done before; We looked at our surroundings with different eyes… RIGHT NOW, IT IS NOT ABOUT HOW FAR YOU GO. ITS ABOUT HOW ADVENTUROUS CAN YOU BE RIGHT BY YOUR FRONT DOOR.

With that new outlook on travel, Ric started the search again! We have already made many plans for this summer 2020. Plans that we feel are safe enough, and it all started with renting a private island just for us.

Honestly when Ric told me his idea, my first thought was… He has lost it, that kind of adventure is reserved for the rich and famous. When he told me the price and how he would negotiate with the owner I thought… Good luck on bringing this down to an affordable budget. Well he did it all. It was a combination of the owner, us needing an adventure and government re-opening certain tourist destinations. I honestly think the reason why it all came through is because renting your own island is so under publicized (not real demand). That is why we write this article, to reveal a secret that most people do not want you to know. Renting an island is an incredibly good option, either by yourself or splitting the cost with other family members. Whoever listens to it automatically thinks like I did “Unaffordable”, but not Ric, the dreamer in him saw it all possible.

As the day to travel to our own private island came closer, the plans and expectations grew bigger and bigger. Suddenly we felt like we were traveling from Florida to Fiji (LOL). We have never been to Fiji, but we have certainly seen those amazing post card perfect beaches. The day we drove to the marina we were laughing, filled with happiness realizing that we had again felt the TRAVEL BUTTERFLIES in our stomach.

The island is NO Fiji! But it is more than we though we would do in the middle of terrible pandemic killing thousands of people around the world and creating havoc at the most sough after tourist destinations.

The island is beautiful and more importantly IT’S FREEDOM! To wake up every day and be one with nature is priceless. To wake up and not have to worry about face masks and social distancing is a blessing.

Remember, it is all about finding businesses who need consumers and contacting them to work together. It will take true partnership between the tourism industry and the travelers to bring that industry back to life when Coronavirus is over.

More info, pictures and videos about the island coming up soon. Send us your questions, we are happy to answer.

If you are asking yourself - Where is this beautiful island located? We will reveal that information at the end of our adventure on our YouTube channel, we don't want any pirates stopping by.

Remember to follow us on Instagram at: @Ric.Saj_Adventures

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